We proudly sell Bien Air, J. Morita, Traus, and Beyes electric handpiece systems and attachments as well as gently used attachments from other brand name manufacturers.
The Dentist's Choice can help you with high quality, name brand air driven high speed handpieces from J. Morita USA, Bien Air, Sable, Beyes, and Osseo Scientific just to name a few.
Shop our full selection of air driven slow speeds air motors and air motor kits from Sable, J. Morita, and Osseo Scientific. We also carry refurbished motors from other manufacturers.
We offer several affordable prophy motors and nose cones to help you stay compliant with CDC guidelines at an affordable price.
We offer a complete selection of air motor attachments including nose cones, contra angles, latch bur heads, and 90 degree reciprocating endo file heads.
The Dentist's Choice can provide your practice with a complete offering of high quality instruments for hygiene, exam, operative, extraction, and implant procedures. We also offer instrument servicing and carbide replacements too!